@Alex Filz


Francesco Manni, Chairman Manni Grouo, SpA

“The 2023 financial year ended with a positive result, albeit limited by the impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which forced Manni Group to divest its Russian operations, and as a result of the consequences of the slowdown in many European economies, with particularly severe troughs in Germany. The unstable and conflict-ridden scenarios of recent years have also eased the pull towards sustainable business practices. We believe that the issues of a sustainable economy are too important to be left at the mercy of the decisions of a disoriented political class and, together with many international players, we have maintained and developed our ESG plans. We believe that the ESG scenario contributes to environmental and social improvement and, through good corporate governance practices, can also stimulate ethics and fairness in business. It is because of our vision and determination to include sustainable development among our drivers, that our companies have geared their R&D and new investments to achieve, after years, a competitive position that differentiates us. Systems and solutions incorporating new materials and new technologies have been a feature the Group's evolution in all areas, enabling it to offer all customer segments a wide range of innovative products and services with certified performance and impact. The Group's products and systems serve many different market sectors. The vision of developing specialised solutions for various uses has always ensured that our customers and partners benefit from the most innovative materials and technologies, creating the conditions for stable development and highly competitive positioning.”

Enrico Frizzera, CEO Manni Group SpA

“It is time for a conscious approach to environmental, social and ethical topics in governance to guide business development. And it is also time for groups of companies like ours to witness the positive effect of this approach without delay. Involving people more makes them feel truly a part of and motivated in improving product sustainability, interested in caring for the environment and empowered to fully express their personalities and professionalism through transparency when carrying out activities: this is the greatest result, qualifying qualitative and transformative growth. It is finally time for the prevailing apprehension of ESG influences on short-term impacts on a company's economic wealth to give way to the realisation that acting for sustainable company development generates more wealth in the medium and long term, thus creating the conditions for lasting development. The Group's flexible and collaborative organisational approach, together with the product and service innovations implemented by the Group, have enabled it to overcome the economic difficulties of the difficult geo-political times worldwide. We reviewed opportunities for collaboration in supply chains and to offer the market technologies and materials that help achieve the green transition and stabilise customer service with advanced, differentiating solutions. The path laid out by our vision continues with the aim of transforming the approach to construction and the use of steels in an increasingly efficient, safe and sustainable direction.”


@Mograph Studio

Our identity

About us

Since 1945, Manni Group has aimed to spread safe and efficient construction through the use of innovative technologies, know-how also applied to the Mechanical Industry and the Energy Transition; a contribution to the goals of carbon neutrality.



Our identity

Our vision

We offer products, systems, solutions and expertise for the world of steel dry construction, supporting new models for eliminating energy wastage and polluting emissions from the existing building stock. Helping the real estate industry and design firms to achieve high project value through ethical and environmental principles combined with construction expertise.


Our identity


175M €

Net assets

861M €



Countries supplied




Custumers served


Renewable power generated


Tonnes of steel purchased


m2 of panels sold


Our business units

For many years we have been working to develop ever more innovative solutions, relying on the strength of being able to integrate different systems by drawing on the valuable cross-disciplinary technical expertise of the companies within the entire Group. This means we are able to support our customers during analysis and development of complete projects.


The drivers of development


Sustainability in the form of ESGs represents a way of doing business that enables growth that is in harmony with the environmental and social contexts in which it operates. Consistency means we are able to contribute to the fight against climate change and the transition to a circular economy.

Research and development

Innovating and investing in R&D to respond to new market needs and improve production processes to increase their efficiency and effectiveness while reducing their environmental impact.


Manni Group is an open, dynamic and adaptive organisation that places increasing importance on alliances with key partners to drive innovation, expansion of markets, regions and industrial investments.


This allows us to diversify our business geographically, spreading risk and investment across European and non-European markets. The ability to deal with different cultural backgrounds also allows Manni Group to grow and develop skills within a global environment.


Our strategy

ESG Strategy

Manni Group considers respecting ESG factors to be a prerequisite for responsible growth: it is aware of the need to integrate environmental and social aspects into transparent governance, and believes that an organisation's overall performance is closely related to the wellbeing of the social context in which it operates and the impact it has on the surrounding environment.


ESG: Environment

Circular business

The Group's activities are characterised by the circularity of the products used: all steel and rockwool waste is recovered to create new raw material. Discover our commitment

Minimum content of recycled steel (Steel BU)

52% 2021
64% 2022
65% 2023

Minimum content of recycled steel (Panels BU)

25% 2021
41% 2022
30% 2023

ESG: Environment


About 99% of the Group's total emissions are Scope 3, so Manni Group has planned a number of initiatives relating to logistics and the production of procured goods, in agreement with the suppliers.

In 2016, Manni Group initiated an ambitious plan to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions are monitored and reported internally within a GHG emission inventory in accordance with EN ISO 14064-1:2019, which is certified by a third party.

Scope 1
Scope 1

Direct emissions

Scope 2
Scope 2

Indirect emissions

Scope 3
Scope 3

Other indirect emissions from upstream and downstream activities of the organisation


ESG: Environment


Manni Group promotes inclusive industrialisation that embraces partnerships, with the aim of increasing efficiency in the consumption of resources and reducing environmental impacts. The Group's Research and Development (R&D) department, set up with the aim of strengthening synergies between the various subsidiaries, constantly strives to develop and monitor innovation: the main focus areas are off-site construction, recycled content in materials, fire protection and earthquake-proofing.





ESG: Social

Training and development

Manni Group pays great attention to the training and development of human capital to create shared, professional and human value for the benefit of each employee and the Group. There is an ongoing commitment to offer employees training activities aimed at strengthening their hard, soft and digital skills: thanks also to the contribution of the inter-professional funds for lifelong learning, ad hoc courses, seminars, team-building activities, MBAs and coaching have been created.

In 2023, we introduced standard training for employees of the Italian Group companies, which includes courses on cross-disciplinary skills such as communication, time management and a more in-depth look at digital tools.


ESG: Social

Off-site Technologies for Architecture

In 2023, Manni Group, in collaboration with YAC- Young Architects Competitions, launched the advanced training course in Off-site Technologies for Architecture, an advanced postgraduate programme offering architects and engineers the opportunity to acquire cutting-edge skills in off-site construction technologies for architecture.

The initiative is aimed at encouraging the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) among emerging young designers; it was developed with the support of ROCKWOOL, the main sponsor, and BASF, sponsor, and supported by the Edera, Fondazione Promozione Acciaio, UNICMI, ADI, EURAC and ILFI associations. The course programme underlines Manni Group's commitment to promoting social and cultural progress. The course is designed to provide young designers with specialist knowledge of off-site design and is taught by an exclusive panel of lecturers, including Nicola Scaranaro from Foster+Partners, Paolo Matteuzzi from Zaha Hadid Architects, Paolo Cresci from Arup and Giulio Rigoni from Bjarke Ingels Group.


ESG: Social

Suppliers and shared responsibility

We believe that ensuring the integrity and sustainability of the supply chain requires the commitment of all stakeholders. As procurement practices are among the Material Topics that emerged from the analysis, we feel it is also strategically important to strengthen ESG reporting with constant monitoring of the environmental, social and governance impact of the entire supply chain.

The holding company’s Procurement department gives a uniform process for collaborating with stakeholders, as well as seizing the opportunities arising from centralised management of large volumes.


ESG: Social

Our partnership

Partnerships with universities and research centres

To achieve with universities and research centres we have strengthened the synergy with stakeholders and university centres of excellence, which has facilitated the development of new products and solutions.


From the active partnership between Manni Green Tech and Saint-Gobain Italia since 2023 comes InnovaLightX®, a new dry construction system for future living

SOS - School of Sustainability

The partnership formed in 2023 between Manni Group and SOS aims to transform the way we build, teach and experience sustainability. We support students in their journey towards ESG-compliant design.


Spreentech Ventures is a cutting edge centre of excellence where skills are developed and collaborations between companies, designers and managers in the construction and energy transition sectors are forged.



ESG: Governance

Corporate Governance

Manni Group SPA is the holding that controls and coordinates a number of companies. It defines strategies for its subsidiaries and manages their shareholdings, including through service agreements.

The Group’s Corporate Governance document sets out rules for

-delegation: how to effectively delegate tasks externally.

-control: how to manage potential risks arising from delegation.

-balance: finding a balance between autonomy and control of subsidiarie.

Business is managed through a system of delegation, with monitoring through audit tools to assure its stakeholder of correct, accountable and transparent business.


@Nguyen Quy Phu

ESG: Governance

Sustainability Governance

Sustainability Governance In 2016, the Sustainability role was established when the Business Sustainability Officer (BSO) was appointed with the task of guiding the Group towards an increasingly sustainable business model by implementing and managing corporate strategies and initiatives aimed at promoting ESG issues. The BSO is also responsible for drafting the Business Sustainability Plan (BSP) and monitoring its implementation.

The Group CEO oversees the progress of Sustainable Development issues, since the Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for Sustainability to him given the expertise he has accrued over the years. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors on implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan and potential ESG impacts relating to the Group's products, services and other activities. The 2023–2025 BSP was approved by the BoD in November 2022.



ESG: Governance

Enterprise Risk Management

The clear ERM structure starts from the governance of the holding runs through the governance of all the companies, implementing all aspects of integrated risk management to safeguard assets and business continuity.

A fair balance is ensured, which protects the company from potential losses and damage, while leaving room for the management entrepreneurship, with full awareness of the delegated powers.

The ERM structure can intervene where necessary with specific preventive e remedial actions, through improvement plans.


ESG: Governance

Our certifications

EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems

EN ISO 14001:2015

Environmental management systems

ISO 45001:2018

Occupational health and safety management systems

EN 1090-1:2012

Execution of steel and aluminium structures

EN ISO 3834-2:2021

Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials

EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems

EN ISO 14001:2015

Environmental management systems

ISO 45001:2018

Environmental management systems Certification valid for Isopan SpA, Isopan Deutschland and Isocindu

EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems

EN 1090-1:2012

Execution of steel and aluminium structures

EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems

EN ISO 9001:2015

Environmental management systems

UNI CEI 11352:2014

Companies providing energy services


General and Specialised Works Categories: Category OG9 – Class VII / Category OG10 – Class III bis / Category OS1 – Class I / Category OS30 – Class I


ESG: Governance


ESG Raiting Solicited

From 2021, Cerved Rating Agency has assessed all of Manni Group's activities in terms of ESG criteria, demonstrating a responsible approach that reflects the Group's concrete commitment to transparency towards its stakeholders. The commitment made bore well-deserved fruit: the score increased to 70.1, compared to 67.5 in the previous year, resulting in an A rating and confirmation of a position in the “High” category. According to the ESG Score Breakdown, the Group ranks above the median of companies in the 'Equipment & Machinery' sector.


EcoVadis is a platform that assesses Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable procurement. The EcoVadis survey is based on four themes: environment, labour protection and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. EcoVadis has provided a reliable assessment of Isopan Spa's sustainability performance, giving us comprehensive feedback, benchmark comparisons and tools that enable us to develop a continuous improvement path. With renewal of the assessment, Isopan in 2023 improved its score and achieved the “Silver” medal.

Leaders in Sustainability

Leaders in Sustainability is the list of the most sustainable and transparent Italian companies in terms of reporting. The report was prepared by Il Sole 24 Ore in cooperation with the analysis company Statista. For the second year, Manni Group was one of 240 Italian companies recognised in 2023 for its commitment to sustainability from an environmental, social and governance perspective.
